The Russian Revolution

The Rise and Fall of Russian Communism


Wednesday, May 11

The Causes of the Russian Revolution T-Notes

I Historical Background
Russia                                         world's largest country
                                                    partly in Europe, partly in Asia
                                                    divided by Ural Mountains
                                                    160 ethnic groups, 100 languages
  Slavs                                          original people of Russia
Vikings                                       800s AD, came from north
                                                    mixed to form Russian, largest group
Kiev                                            Russian capital
                                                    Russians could sail from Kiev to Constantinople
Constantinople                          capital city of the Eastern (Greek) Roman Empire
                                                  center of Eastern Catholic (Orthodox) Church

Russians                                     got Eastern Orthodox Christianity in 989 AD

Cyrillic Alphabet                       used in Russia, from Constantinople
Kiev                                           demolished by Mongols in 1240
Moscow                                    new city farther north gains power
                                                  located on three main rivers
                                                 whoever controls these rivers controls trade in W. Russia
Tsars                                         Russian name for king, from Roman Caesar

Peter the Great                         1700s made Russia more European, moved capital to St. Petersburg

Catherine the Great                 continued Westernizing Russia, learning and culture

Serfs                                          Peasants tied to the land like slaves

Tsar Alexander                         freed serfs 1861
                                                  assassinated a few days later

Nicholas I                                  son of Alexander
                                                   strict ruler

Meanwhile in Western Europe....

Karl Marx                                develops new theory of Communism
                                                 believes that wealth concentrates in fewer hands under capitalism
                                                 rich get rich, poor get poorer
                                                 workers will revolt and overthrow the system
                                                 will create a government where everyone is equal
                                                 the people would now own everything

Problem in Russia                  no large working class to revolt

1905 Revolt                            against Tsar
                                                Bloody Sunday Tsar's troops shot protesters

World War I                            dissatisfaction with Tsar increases
                                                only workers die in wars, not wealthy business owners, who get rich

Vladimir Lenin                      Communist leader at the time

1918 Civil War                      Communists versus Tsar's Army, Communists win

Rasputin                               mad monk.  advisor to Tsar's family.

Communists                         execute Tsar and his family
Top Communist leaders struggle for power, Lenin wins

Russia renamed Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Lenin                                  slowly took rights away from workers
                                           worker ownership failed
                                           killed 4 million people

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